I'm Scott, and you probably signed up to follow this insane challenge I posted on Twitter.
Thank you.
Every Friday, I'll be sending you an email outlining everything I did through the week along with detailed progress. Whether you're just curious if I can actually turn $20k into $500k in 1 year, or you want to build along with me, everything will be shared.
One thing first if you don't mind:
Gmail users - move this email to your primary inbox.
Apple Mail users - click my email address above beside "From" and click "Add to VIPs"
Others can check out this page for help.
Once again, thanks for joining this journey. It's been inspiring to see so many people interested in building too.
Hopefully this is the beginning of something great,
PS: Feel free to reply, this is my actual email.
Sold 6 websites for $10,550,000 - with no funding or employees. I'm teaching others how to do the same.
Hey there, Welcome to Week 4 of the $20k to $500k in 1 Year challenge I self-accepted because apparently I like pain. You can find the previous weeks' emails right here. On one hand, things are going really well. On the other, I'm impatient and anxious so it can feel like I'm not progressing fast enough even though I'm less than a month into it. Perhaps writing this email will make me feel better about my progress. Let's find out. In today's email: I'm getting actual traffic. A Facebook post...
Hello, In some ways, it feels like I've been doing this challenge for months. But it's only week 3. Weird. You can find the previous emails here: Week 1 | Week 2 At this point, I've laid a ton of groundwork between the first two weeks and the in-depth guides on my site. I'll try not to repeat myself. This is a 52 week challenge and we're only 5.7% of the way through it. There will be updates that just aren't overly exciting. However, this one is pretty exciting. Let's waste no more time....
Hey again, I hope you're doing well. As promised, it's time to cover everything I did in the past week for my $20k->$500k in 1 Year challenge. This is week 2. You can find week 1 here. First things first. It's completely pointless for me to explain how to build a website in this email because I have a detailed, 4,252 word guide with screenshots and helpful links already. It follows exactly how I've built (most) of my sites. That said, I want to address one thing first: If you're a complete...